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Subject: Hypothermia Alert Activation: Monday, February 10, 2025 @ 7:00 PM
Date: 2/10/2025 2:50 PM
Details: A hypothermia alert has been issued for 7:00 PM, Monday, February 10, 2025, per the District of Columbia&#39;s Winter Plan. The National Weather Service reports temperatures will be 29 degrees but will feel like 29 degrees due to wind chill. Stay inside, bundle up if you go out, call 311 or 202-399-7093 for accessible shelter transport. For animal abuse or neglect, including pets left outdoors in extreme weather, call the Humane Rescue Alliance at (202) 723-5730. For other animal control and wildlife services, call the Brandywine SPCA at (202) 888-7387.